Never has there been a more relevant or necessary time to explore our shadow side. Carl Jung said, ‘90 percent of the shadow is pure gold’ and, through The Golden Shadow Method, Melanie Ryan shows us not only how to find that gold but also how to reclaim the power that it contains.
Best-selling Hay House Author of
Dreaming Through Darkness
and Lucid Dreaming Made Easy
Mind Valley Teacher
Gold and precious metals are mined from ores – heavy rocks carrying yet hiding the treasures. In similar manner, as Melanie Ryan teaches in this book, our inner gold – our talents, gifts, creativity and many positive and beautiful traits – are also hidden and buried in the dark ores of our psyches. The Golden Shadow Method is a well- written, loving, accessible, caring, sensitive and wise guide to owning, exploring and integrating our shadow dimensions, positive and negative. Melanie guides us in using the ancient and time-honored practices of Buddhism, shamanism and Jungian psychology to excavate that which is best and most fulfilling in us and shares her journey of discovery – to spirit, self and inner gold.
Psychotherapist, International Guide,
Board Member of the Jung Association of Western Massachusetts,
Author of The Practice of Dream Healing, War and the Soul, Warrior’s Return
The idea of a golden essence, hidden in plain sight, but often unseen or unacknowledged, is common to many authentic spiritual traditions. In the Buddhist tradition, this golden essence is referred to as Buddha nature — a fundamentally uncorrupted core of sanity, decency and brilliance which all human beings can uncover and manifest. Even though Buddha nature is considered a natural and organic part of our being, sometimes we find it lurking in the shadows. Melanie Ryan has crafted her own unique hybrid of several powerful traditions, a revelation of methods that enable us to uncover our Buddha nature — our hidden gold.
International Senior Buddhist Teacher,
Emmy award winning composer and musician
Author of Awakening From the Day Dream
and Creativity, Spirituality and Making a Buck
The Shadow is nature. Duality is found everywhere in the Universe, as we see the expansion and contraction among galaxies, just like yin and yang. The shadow represents that empty space and dark matter where all light power exists, it is an energetic force of dark and light. Using ancient wisdom, modern psychology and inner intuition, Melanie Ryan shines the light on the golden shadow — our inherent gifts, power, passions and potential just waiting to be activated.
Internationally recognized Maya Ajq’ij,
Ceremonial Leader and Spiritual Guide,
Mayan Day Keeper, and Shamanic Plant Medicine Teacher
An old Hermetic axiom asserts that the seed of alchemical gold is found within the dragon’s poison. To transmute the Shadow from darkness into gold is an alchemical journey indeed. When the Shadow is fully accepted as a part of the self, it can become one of our greatest and most inspiring inner teachers. Melanie Ryan draws upon the insights of Jungian psychology, Tibetan Buddhism, and shamanism to weave a rich tapestry of exercises and techniques that allow us to make the inner journey to the Shadow safe, deeply felt, and profoundly life affirming.
Jaguar Wisdom: An Introduction to the Mayan Calendar,
Mayan Calendar Astrology: Mapping Your Inner Cosmos,
Mayan Day Keeper
Melanie Ryan is an alchemist, weaving the best threads of Buddhism, shamanism and Jungian psychology into a practical guide for personal transformation. This book is full of tools anyone can use, as long as they are willing to have the courage to embrace looking into their own shadow, and working through it to mine the gold that can be found there.
Author of Psychic Reiki,
The Wizard’s Guide to Energy Healing,
and Energy Healing for Everyone
At a time when it is most needed, Melanie has crafted an easy-to-follow pathway to self-actualization and personal power based on her expertise in several important and ancient methods of healing. With so much emphasis placed upon our negative traits in shadow work, The Golden Shadow Method is a holistic and balanced approach to inner truth enabling those willing to do the work, the ability to mine incredible inner riches, a source for true transformation and healing.
Shamanic Plant Medicine Healing Practitioner and Teacher,
Master Herbalist