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Melanie Ryan, LCSW

Melanie Ryan and her husband Andy Steigmeier have been happily married for 19 years. Together they have overcome many life challenges, including the sudden death of their only child, Justin, who transitioned in December 2023 at the age of 15 from an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The mysterious and sudden loss of Justin has deepend Melanie's work in transforming trauma. Grief has been her greatest teacher and a source of love and compassion. It has brought her even closer to Spirit and the forces of nature. The challenges we face in life shape us, they are not random, and they are filled with meaning and purpose. Trauma has the power to transform and awaken us to who we truly are.




Trauma is a wound to the soul and our symptoms are messengers of the soul. Melanie Ryan’s 30-year career has been dedicated to healing trauma. She works holistically, taking into account the impact of an unhealthy lifestyle, malnutrition, consumption of toxins in processed foods, synthetic medications and supplements, and the impact of unresolved trauma. 

Melanie focuses on all aspects of being human: the psychological and physical health as well as spiritual growth. All of these emerge from the heart and from silence. Melanie guides people into their infinite spiritual self and never loses sight of the basic goodness, inherent wisdom and creative power that lives within each one of us and is indestructible. 


Melanie sees healing as the result of self realization and spiritual truth. She uses her intuition to help clients liberate themselves from misperceptions and false beliefs that developed as a result of traumatic experiences. Every human has a spiritual perfection that can be accessed by removing the obstacles blocking it. When obstacles are removed, we discover the eternal truth of who we really are and radiate our true nature which is love, beauty, confidence and creativity. 



To help people reconnect with the natural world and reach their full potential. To bring the soul back into psychotherapy as it was in ancient times. 


1992- Bachelors in Psychology, University of Hartford, CT 

1995 - Dual Masters Degree in Clinical Social Work & Clinical Research, Fordham University, NYC

1995 - Certified Alcohol & Substance Abuse Specialist (CASAC)

2005 - Certified 200hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher, OM Yoga, Cyndi Lee

2007 - Buddhist Vows with Acharya Judy Lief

2010 - Certified Past Life Regression Therapist, Dr. Brian Weiss, MD

2011 - Certified Level 1 Herbalist, Karine Gordineer 

2013 to 2020 - Owner & Founder of The Center for Health & Healing

2015 - Certified Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher, LLyn Roberts & Stacey Gibbons

2017 - Authorized Buddhist Teacher, Shambhala Tradition, NYC 

2017 to 2019 Faculty Member Shamanic Reiki Worldwide

2017 to 2019 - Officer, Secretary of Olympic Mountain Earth Wisdom Circle

2019 to Present - Member of The Center of Applied Jungian Studies Mystery School 

2019 to Present - Member of the Jungian Association of Western Massachusetts 

2020 to Present - Naturopathic Apprentice, Terrain Model, Dr. Marizelle Arce, ND




Private Healing Sessions: 

- Jungian-Inspired Shadow Work

- Buddhist Meditation Instruction

- Shamanic Journeying & Healing

- Trigger Work with Soul Retrieval 

- Past Life Regression

- How to Live a Toxin-Free Lifestyle

- Vision Quests


Private Course Study with Melanie:


Course 1 - The Golden Shadow Method 

The 3 Pillars

1. Jung & the Shadow

2. Buddha & the Shadow

3. Shaman & the Shadow 

(Scroll for details) 


Course 2 - Secrets of the Golden Shadow

The 3 Pillars

1. Purify the Mind

2. Purify the Body

3. Purify the Soul

(Scroll down for details) 

Melanie lives in the Hudson Valley Region of New York. She works on zoom with clients worldwide. To schedule a private session, please email


The Golden Shadow Method - Online Course 1​


The Golden Shadow Method is based on Jungian psychology, Eastern philosophy, and indigenous wisdom. It focuses on bringing what is hidden in the unconscious into the light of awareness. The inner work of self-reflection and exploration brings about transformation in your life and awakens higher states of consciousness. In the process, you will gain psychic and creative abilities, become more open-hearted and compassionate, and radiate love for humanity. This is the source of our true nature.

This course is 24 sessions in total, online using zoom. Required reading, The Golden Shadow Method, by Melanie Ryan. Found on Amazon. 


Pillar One - Jung & the Shadow (8 sessions)


  • Learn about Carl Jung’s teachings on the Shadow and the dark and golden shadows of the psyche. 

  • Understand the personal and collective unconscious.

  • Learn and practice Jung’s techniques of active imagination to discover what is hidden in the unconscious. 

  • Work with archetypes, myth, and legends to access the unconscious. 

  • Learn how repression, denial, and Shadow projection create negative patterns, illness and suffering in your life and how to reverse this.

  • Learn how to work with intense emotional activations (triggers) and the alchemical process of transmuting dark into golden light.

  • Gain a clear understanding of alchemy and what Jung called “the path of individuation,” a path of becoming whole and authentic.

  • Awaken your unconscious sources of strength, creativity and authenticity to allow a more successful and joyful life. 

Pillar Two – Buddha & the Shadow (8 sessions)


  • Learn Buddhist teachings that bring mental clarity, cut through illusions and self-deceptions, and awaken your true nature of Bodhicitta. 

  • Create a healthy lifestyle that promotes inner work and inner peace. 

  • Develop a home meditation practice with support from Melanie.

  • Learn shamantha meditation practice to develop mental strength, stability and clarity.

  • Learn a variety meditation practices for contemplation and for working with difficult emotions. 

  • Learn the Sacred Path of the Warrior Shambhala teachings of the renowned Tibetan Buddhist master Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.


Pillar Three – Shaman & the Shadow (8 sessions)


  • Learn the history of shamanism, the oldest healing practice in the world.

  • Learn to safely navigate the spirit world and use protection.

  • Retrieve your power animal, plant ally, and spiritual guide and learn how to use them for healing and transformation. 

  • Connect with nature and the healing power of the Earth and all elements. 

  • Heal a past life and clear karmic debt.

  • Learn how to deal with tricksters and the Lords of the Underworld.

  • Access higher states of consciousness, develop intuition and psychic abilities. 

  • Become more creative, playful and authentic.



Secrets of the Golden Shadow – Online Course 2 


The Secrets of the Golden Shadow weaves ancient wisdom teachings from various spiritual traditions around that world. It is designed to help you rebuild a new life, by clearing away the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual obstacles that have kept you from accessing your true self and living the life that is meant for you. 


This is a yearlong course split into 3 pillars. Each pillar is 3 months of work with one month off for integration. This is done in small groups online, or you can choose to do 1:1 online private sessions with Melanie Ryan, LCSW.  *Prerequisite - The Golden Shadow Method Course 1


Pillar One – Purifying the Mind

  • Awakening Bodhicitta – an open heart and mind.

  • Meditation practice to develop mental strength, stability and clarity.

  • Transforming confusion, developing prajna. 

  • Learn ancient Buddhist teachings for overcoming obstacles and adversity.

  • Releasing negative thought patterns and false beliefs.

  • Work with difficult emotions, aggression, and self-loathing. 

  • Planting the Seeds of Bodhi.

  • Mandala Principle and working with symbols.

  • Transcending concepts of Good and Evil.

  • Understanding the Underworld, and how to get unstuck.

  • Post-Traumatic Growth, Initiation, the Hero’s Journey


Pillar Two – Purifying the Body (co-taught by naturopathic doctor Marizelle Arce, ND).

  • Understand Trauma and Chronic illness.

  • Undo culturally conditioned destructive lifestyle patterns. 

  • Shamanism, Naturopathy & the Terrain Model.

  • Terrain Model and Germ Theory explained. 

  • Work to completely remove toxins from your body and your environment.

  • Processed foods, malnutrition and undernutrition. 

  • What really causes disease and how to treat it and prevent it. 

  • Ancestral Diets – what you eat can reverse and prevent disease.

  • Food Addictions.

  • Making food sacred. Cooking. Where to buy your food and growing your own food. 


Pillar Three – Purifying the Soul 

  • Understanding trauma and its impact on the soul from an ancient wisdom perspective. 

  • Learn about the origins of psychotherapy found in Ancient Greece and shamanism.

  • Learn how soul loss is manifests in your life and how to identify it in others. 

  • Work with triggers to connect with lost soul parts.  

  • Master identifying shadow projection in yourself and others. 

  • Use meditations to identify the Spirit of the Wounded Self. 

  • Use active imagination and shamanic tools to integrate lost soul parts, complete a soul retrieval and shadow integration. 

  • Learn energetic practices for protection of dark forces. 

  • Heal ancestral wounds and karma from past lives. 

  • Deepen your relationship with your spiritual guides for wisdom and healing.


Melanie‘s work has truly transformed my life. Her expertise and guidance facilitated my growth and evolution, gave me a roadmap to offer myself compassion, and cultivated me to be a more present and attuned therapist to my clients. Melanie’s vast knowledge on the dark shadow and golden shadow is inspiring and incredibly informative and relatable. I have referred many others to her because of how helpful and valuable her guidance has directly been for me. I feel extremely fortunate to have connected with her. My life will never be the same. I’m feeling more empowered, hopeful and fulfilled which is a direct result of my work with Melanie. She’s truly a blessing and a conduit for personal growth and development. 


Michelle Maidenberg, Ph.D., MPH, LCSW-R, CGP 

Award Winning Author of “Ace Your Life”: Unleash Your Best Self & Live the Life You Want 

When a person experiences trauma, it is “soul crushing”. They often disconnect from their body and the accompanying feelings get frozen inside. Melanie is a Master at facilitating integration of these missing parts of the wounded soul that are split off during trauma so one can feel whole and vibrant. Her trigger work and Golden Shadow work are gentle and healing of disintegrated trauma in an unequaled way. As her student and as a psychotherapist myself, I can attest to the fact that her work is transformative and gentle and reaches the inner world in a way that other kinds of talk therapy and trauma therapy cannot. I highly recommend that all therapists learn from her work. Your patients will heal more quickly and less painfully than imaginable. This work is moving, healing, meaningful and enlightening to everyone who experiences it. 

Sheri Perlman, OT, LCSW

Neuro-psychoanalytical Informed Trauma Therapist

I regard the Soul and the Self as one, as the wise "core" or "source" within. I was in my own process of integrating Soul/Self into my psychotherapy practice for some years when I found my way to Melanie's writing and course offerings. Her approach has served to deepen my own personal and professional developmental. The Golden Shadow Methods are simple, actionable, gentle and yet potent, particularly for individuals struggling with a sense of meaning, purpose and disconnection. These practices are intuitive and offer a sensitive, imaginative, and respectful way to connect with many aspects of the Soul/Self. Melanie is a skillful guide and teacher who is passionate about helping others on their healing paths. Her courses offer a safe container to practice unlocking the “doors” to the psyche for inquiry, contemplation and for learning what is necessary for continued growth, integration, and self-realization. The Golden Shadow concept offers insights and approaches that are transformative and hope inspiring. It inspires courage and the will to explore the landscapes of our “shadow” parts, sifting through and finding the gifts that live there...the golden nuggets...the Golden Shadow. Melanie’s work is invaluable in teaching therapists to do their own inner work as well as to guide others to their essence.

Andie Iatrou, LCSW-R,

Trauma-Certified Psychotherapist, C-PTSD specialist, IFS-informed

I have been studying with Melanie for several years and her work transforms lives. After years of traditional talk therapy, I was seeking something deeper. Melanie’s transmuting triggers practice did that for me, taking me into the depths of my soul. I have gone through a death and rebirth, and Melanie has been there the entire time, providing a supportive, nurturing container as I embraced the powers of my inner healer. Using the golden shadow method and transmuting triggers practices of meditation, active imagination, and shamanic journeying, I have been able to become my true self. The wounds I used to carry and the triggers I experienced regularly, are now gone. I am more present, happier and healthier. I now share these teachings in my own private practice and see the transformation happening for others. This method brings profound healing and compassion to our world. Everyone needs to learn it! 

Mary-Kay Kallergis, MA, LMSW

Educator & Psychotherapist


My outdoor shamanic session with Melanie took place at a beautiful park on the river which felt harmonious, synchronous and healing. Our session started with Melanie guiding me through a water ceremony on the banks of the river, which was followed by other mindfulness activities that helped me to connect with the land and water. It is evident to me that Melanie has attuned her life to the spirits of nature and she has chosen sacred outdoor spaces that carry higher vibrations to conduct her shamanic work, which creates a powerful healing environment. When I "stepped into" the session I felt supported by both Melanie and the beneficial spirits of nature. There also seemed to be messages of wisdom and support everywhere I turned (including from the flock of geese!). I also appreciate how Melanie empowered me as a client to discover answers I needed and how I can heal myself. This was a beautiful healing experience for me.

John Parssinen

Social Worker / Healer

I stepped into Melanie’s office after years of talk therapy. I was tired, overweight, feeling stuck, and chronically sick. I was looking for something different and Melanie introduced me to the process of transmutation by working with the spirit of the wounded self. I became aware of many wounded versions of myself who were holding feelings of abandonment, loneliness, and fear. I learned how to love and integrate these lost and wounded parts of my soul. As a result, I have lost 114 pounds, been promoted at my job, and become happy, creative, playful, grounded and clear. I used to be triggered all the time and now I am not. Now I feel free to manifest my dreams. I am so grateful for Melanie and her transformational process!


Mary-Kay Kallergis

Educator & Psychotherapist 

"Working with Melanie’s Golden Shadow Method and Transmuting Triggers protocol has given me access to multi-dimensional layers of my soul that I once feared were gone forever. I have suffered with symptoms of C-PTSD, severe depression and anxiety since I was a child due to repeated personal trauma, but since I began working with Melanie and the spirits of my wounded Self, healing and integrating those lost soul parts, my entire world has shifted from dark and gray to a brilliant spectrum of colorful light. Not only have I been able to welcome home those versions of myself from this lifetime, but from previous lives as well, which has allowed me to unlock creative gifts and talents that have been asleep for what feels like ages. Healing no longer feels burdensome and hopeless to me, rather it has become both a powerful liberation and joyful celebration. I am eternally grateful for Melanie and her expertise as this work has enlivened my spirit in ways I can’t explain, ways that I once believed could only be experienced by others. I finally feel like I’m becoming whole again!"


Dena M. Daigle 

Spiritual Alchemist

This is a self-actualizing, life empowerment method where Melanie provides a safe and loving way for us to travel into our own shadow. She makes it so natural for us all to have hidden parts - both positive and negative. It is full of exercises and techniques that quickly helped me gain more insight and wisdom. I feel energized and inspired with clarity and vision for what I’d like to manifest. Thank you Melanie!!!!

Catherine Fraise

Melanie’s Golden Shadow Method offers a deep dive into the treasures we have hidden away in our Shadow...those positive and negative qualities which we deem too powerful or too dark to reveal to the world- and even to ourselves! Her 3-pillared Method showed me how to access these places and how to explore them safely. Melanie has created a way in and a way out - and I am still going in... and exiting with treasures I had locked away in my unconscious so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable or vulnerable. This Method showed me how to navigate that discomfort with hope and a warrior's spirit! I am deeply grateful to Melanie Ryan for sharing this Method. 


Colleen Harris

Melanie Ryan has developed an amazing shadow work method. It is about how to reach your full potential in life, heal your deepest fears, and discover a deeper level of happiness and joy that is available to us all. She helped me get unstuck, leading me on a magical journey through the world of meditation, shamanism and discovering my own inner wisdom. I highly recommend this method to everyone, she changed my life in the most amazing ways and she can change yours too!!!


Saylor Pace

I would highly recommend this if you are feeling stuck in your life, repeating the same relationship with different people, have a need for purpose and understanding, and want to realize who and what you really are. 


Edward Darby

The Golden Shadow Method is a multi-faceted approach to the discovery and re-discovery of one's hidden and forgotten treasures and abilities. It's messy and exciting work and the thing I like best about Melanie's approach is she gifts you with the ability to examine the dark shadow without shame or blame, discovering long-buried talents in the process! I am currently enrolled in the Jung & the Shadow three month online immersion program with Melanie. It is powerful to have her guidance and mentor calls as we apply her techniques individually and as a group.

Michelle Pacher

Retired High School Principal

Melanie's program Jung & the Shadow continues to allow me to open "doors" to myself I didn't know existed long after its completion!

Karen Carroll

Physical Therapist

In the midst of great change and chaos on our planet, Melanie provides an anchor to the turbulent waters above our heads. She confidently leads you to find your own truths using modern and ancient techniques that strengthen authenticity with oneself.

Tiffany Walker

Massage Therapist & Permaculture Educator 

I have come to understand my Dark Shadow as a source of wisdom and compassion that lead me to embrace all my gifts and love in my Golden Shadow. Jung & the Shadow helped me to peel away the confusion and create a beautiful, peaceful life. It changes the way you see yourself and the world!


Joan Biggs


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